Sunday, 23 May 2010

electrical,Plumbing, HVCA, roofing,insulation

After the framer did a great job on our house, the rough in started and we can see mayor transformation "in" the house.
Electrical wiring started after the plumers have done the basement and upper floor's water and waste pipes rough-ins.
The HVCA came after and last the insulation.

Due to some building code changes, our house got hold at the pre-wall inspection: the inspection failed.
Sterling Homes did not provide the actualized blue-print design plan on a high wall that their engeenering has changed but did not sumit it to city of Calgary, therefore, when the inspector came the actual construction differed from his construction specs.
This and the garage's walls that are supporting the upper floor's rooms, excceded 3 meters and the material that we used are 2x4 insteate of 2x6.
and some other minor taht are conditionally acceptable.

All this had hold the construction to advance for one week+,

Tuesday, 18 May 2010

House framing almost completed

At this stages, the house shape is cleary taking its shape.
Although the roofing is not installed yet, one could tell the house look like.
The framing crew has done a great job, taking a lot of care.
Stuard, Dave and Raymon are the one who build the house up.

Framing continue

Now we have "roof" on the top!! It looks better and it is most like a house!!!

Encore framing

Our framing is before the big fire in Airdrie this spring.
New bylaw require that the side walls are to be fire proof. This will minimize chance of fire getting spred towar the neighbour buildings. Therefore, our walls are just the sheeting woods.

Front of the house

Monday, 17 May 2010

New home been framed

Now this is the exiting point!! you can actually see your new home been growing up fro the ground!

Here in left the small house that is in half is our home. the big one is Tim & Cristina's.

Here is the front house

Here below are the back of the house

Back filling

Here you can see the earth being back filled.

It is good to prolong the back filling date from the concrete pourring.

The concrete needs certain time frame to cure. Information garthered from the net is that the best time is after 21 days. but ours was back filled about 10 days.
Phtos taken on Mar. 11th 2010

From fundation to water proof and wiping tile (drainage of in ground water)

Now after the fundation is elected, the water proofing and prevention come in place.
After this point, the back-filling will be done.

Be careful about this stage.

Make sure that your wiping tile are well connected and it will do the job that it supposed to.
For this, you'll need to have some research on internet.
Mine, the subcontractor did not do a great job. The joins were not properlly set and I had to call in the site supervisor to chekc on it.
Do not "trust" on Builder's site supervisor checks. Due to the fact that they are human being and they are over worked with a lot of projects at once.
It is natural for home owner to take initiative to look after their new home. If you don't, surelly minor/mayor mistakes won't be catched by site's supervisor.

In the end, you'll be well spend time on your new home than they do.
Here in the right photo shows how the connecting T into the wall is not set properly!

I had to contact the site's supervisor to rectify this matter.

Photo taken on Mar. 2010

Friday, 14 May 2010

Fondation walls are up!

Things goes fast at this stage!
After ten days after purring the concret, the wall is up to uses!

We have a walk - UP basement, that is why you'll see that about half of the basement in the back is "free" from the surounding ground.

All photos taken on Feb 26th 2010

Right photo shows the piles that will support the garage concrete floor.

Photo left: main entrence

Right photo: view from the back house

Left photo: main basement

fondation walls

Here is our fondation wall being elected.
This is the view of the main entrence's retaining/windwall.

Here is the view form the back of the house. On the left is my brother in-law's house. Also a Berkshire but elevation A.


Here is the footing of our new house.

Fotos taken about the Feb. 18th 2010
(I didn't realize that the date was not set properly)